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Exciting PTA News

WRITTEN BY Tammy Bourque ON January 20, 2016

It's been a couple weeks since our last Blog update, but many exciting things have happened with the WB Middle/High School PTA.


First, students in grade 6, 7, and 8 that are participating in the Middle School Play, "Beauty and the Beast, Jr." have begun their rehearsals.  The excitement building around this play from the cast and directors alike, is infectious!!!  Please mark your calendars and "Be Our Guest" at our performances on April 8 and 9.  Show times will be at 7:00pm.


Next, we had our bi-monthly meeting on January 5th.  We are seeing an increase in attendance of our general members, and we are excited that our influence is growing in our community!  Our special guest speaker was our Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Elizabeth Schaper.  Dr. Schaper joined our meeting as a round table discussion to start gathering interest and input for the next WB School District's 5-year Strategic Plan.  The district is currently in it's 4th year of the current plan, and will be writing the next plan during next school year.  Some of the ideas discussed at the meeting were to continue with Technology enhancement within our schools (after all, technology is changing almost daily), enhancement of all art programs in the district, and the district's desire to join a vocational school community membership.  Dr. Schaper would love to hear ideas from both parents from the district AS WELL AS community members on where they would like to see our schools heading within the next 5-6 years.  She would encourage anyone with ideas to contact her at


Next we have started planning for our spring fundraiser - Butter Braids and Sweet Crumbs Cookie Dough.  The fundraiser will run at the end of February and delivery of all products will be on 3/21/16 -  the week before Easter!  These items are PERFECT for your Easter Brunch!  The Butter Braids come frozen with the following fillings:  cinnamon, blueberry  cream cheese, strawberry cream cheese, raspberry, apple, or Boston Creme.  There are also caramel rolls available (9 rolls per package).   They come frozen.  All you have to do is bake!!!  The Sweet Crumbs Cookie Dough is also frozen and comes in 2.7lb boxes that are portioned into 40 individual cookies.  The flavors are:  Chunky Chocolate Chip, M&M, Oatmeal Raisin, Peanut Butter Cup, and White Chocolate Macadamia Nut.  The Butter Braid pastries and Caramel Rolls are $12 each and the Cookie Dough is $16/box.


As always, feel free to contact us at with any questions, comments, or concerns.  

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